Sunday, August 12, 2012

Romney vs Obama - No Economic Policies Will Change

It's interesting how Obama ran in 2008 on the campaign of "Change we can believe in" when really nothing has changed. The wars have expanded in spite of his insistence during that campaign that he will bring the troops home. Troops will be in Afghanistan until 2020 (supposedly) and now there are even more countries that the US occupy and drone attacks are on a record high.

But foreign policy aside, not only did he expand the wars, he also kept the economic policies of George W. Bush. The same unelected bureaucrats in the treasury and Federal Reserve remained in power. The bailouts continued and inevitably the debasement of their currency continued as well.

Now we see in the news how Romney and Obama are attacking each other on different campaign ads. But wil there really be any differences especially when it comes to economic or monetary policy? The answer is no. The same kind of monetary policy will continue. 

The unelected quasi-private Federal Reserve will continue to increase the money supply. They will continue with their artificial interest rates. Yes, it makes the economy seemingly okay especially with all the turmoil in the Eurozone. The dollar is seemingly looking strong. But this is all artificial and facts just show that this is not true at all.

This is why it is still best to invest in gold to be able to protect yourself from economic instability and immoral monetary policy. It won't matter whether Romney or Obama wins. The dollar as the world's reserve will continue to lose its value and investing in gold is your best hedge against inflation.

There really is this false promotion that there is a big difference between Romney and Obama when really all will be the same especially economically. Romney runs as if he will cut spending but it's really all illusory especially since it's all just fake cuts over the next decade and the size and spending of government will actually increase by then! Don't even waste your time watching their attack ads on each other, it's time that you start thinking about gold or silver or investing in other precious metals.

Romney even chose supposed fiscal conservative Paul Ryan as his running mate. No, that guy is not fiscal conservative at all. How can you call yourself a fiscal conservative if you voted for the Patriot Act and the expansion and spending on wars. Real fiscal conservatives want government to be small and not intrusive to the lives of individuals. Something that both Romney's and Paul Ryan's voting record goes against.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Investing in Gold in Singapore - Lifting of the GST and Economic Freedom

This coming October, Singapore will be lifting the GST (Goods and Services Tax) on gold. Not only will that lessen costs, it will also lessen the burdens on trading gold itself. If you have been thinking about investing in gold as a hedge against inflation then Singapore is the place you want and it's not just the lifting of the GST, it's also the economic freedom that the Singaporeans are blessed with.

According to the Index of Economic Freedom made by The Heritage Foundation, a study on rating different countries' economies based on levels of liberalization, Singapore is the second most economically free country in the world. There are zero tariffs and burdens on international trade. 

Up to 80% of businesses in Singapore are also foreignly owned with the most minimal red tape and taxes. That is surely the market dictating that it is a good idea to invest in Singapore.

This kind of pro-market policies have made Singapore one of the most prosperous and peaceful countries in the world. There is very little crime and there is strong enforcement of the rule of law. Anti-corruption laws are strictly followed and there are big punishments for those who disobey them. So aside from a very liberal market, their government is not corrupt. This is truly such a perfect environment for entrepreneurship and investments.

There are many ways to invest in gold in this country. You can buy actual physical gold bullion like bars or coins and there are many safe storage facilities that really respect the individual's right to privacy.

There are also ways to invest online in case you are not residing in Singapore. For example, you can invest in gold in Singapore through Even with just a few clicks of a button, you can easily protect your earnings against inflation and at the same time make money with the growing opportunity because the price of gold will surely be on the rise very soon. 

In fact, it is one of the best investments I can recommend even against other commodities or stocks. Historically, it has always been the most stable and as economic crises all over the world are starting to emerge, it will be best to protect your money through gold. Not to mention that the decisions of central banks for continuous expansion of credit and increase in the money supply will continue to debase currencies all over the world.

I firmly believe that now is that time to buy gold and my recommendation is that you do so in Singapore.