Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Ron Paul Schools Pundits on Gold Standard and the Moral Hazard of Bailouts

This is a very interesting discussion because it portrays how even the supposed "experts" in the mainstream media know very little about the Austrian School of Economics, the gold standard, the moral hazard of bailouts and government intervention in the market, and even competing currencies.

Many times, I don't think these people are even doing this on purpose, you know, like doing it for the sake of an evil motive or intent. It's just more of how they were trained and taught to think. Keynesianism is the most prominent position not just in politics but also in the academe. There are very little Austrian school economists or libertarian professors in the academe.

I think the best thing is that we have the internet now and schools are not the only places we can learn. Knowledge is just disseminated so much faster now and almost without restrictions. Just look at how social media helped topple tyrannies in Libya or Egypt or how WikiLeaks is helping make governments more transparent and exposes corruption and crimes.

Now that we have the internet, I don't think there's any sort of excuse to now know about what's really going on. Mainstream media has lost its monopoly on spreading the news. The truth is in the internet now and almost everyone has access to it (which is also why we must keep them from restricting or censoring the internet).

If you really want to learn more about the reasons for buying or investing in gold or the benefits of doing so in Singapore then you can use Google and just see for yourself. Learn about monetary policy and the Federal Reserve and you'll know for a fact why you need to invest in gold.

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