Tuesday, January 8, 2013

CombiBars - The Future of Gold Trading?

Have you seen the Valcambi CombiBars available in 50 grams for gold? The innovative thing about it is that each gram is separable just like paper or cardboard with perforated edges. And the grams can be removed with ease and no loss of material.

We can expect more of these innovations in the way that gold is distributed. The CombiBar represents a real democratization of gold. Sure, there have long been one-gram pieces of gold, but now, the manner in which these bars can be broken makes gold trading more 'common' than ever.

I guess some collectors would feel a bit queasy about breaking off the bars, and thereby ruining the larger Valcambi seal, but I think this will become less of an issue the more popular gold becomes as an actual medium of exchange.

There is also a 100-gram CombiBar for silver, much more affordable. This will come in handy when people are making purchases with metals instead of fiat. Each gram of silver would have the same significance as cents do at present.

The CombiBar assures me that humanity will get by with or without fiat, preferably without.

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